With the market showing some strong signs of recovery, Ray White Royal Oak owners Martin Honey and Rohan Thompson have embarked on a recruitment drive that has had some remarkable results. Over the past 3 months the duo has attracted 9 salespeople to join their already successful team.
The Royal Oak office joined Ray White in February this year and is located in the heart of the Royal Oak Mall. Martin and Rohan attribute their recruitment success to several factors. Firstly, they provide a modern and stylish office for their team to feel proud of; and secondly, Martin feels very strongly about training his team and spends a lot of time with all new salespeople teaching them the finer details of real estate. These two factors combined have proven to be a winning formula. In addition to this they are now committed to holding a recruitment night every month to showcase the power of the Ray White brand and what the Royal Oak office can provide to new people joining them.